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The Proposition (A Geek, An Angel) Page 10
The Proposition (A Geek, An Angel) Read online
Page 10
“Well, thank you for that compliment,” Janeshia said tensely. “I’ve been trying to do my best,” she said aware that beneath their banter was an awkward situation.
Claire Marie breathed out with emotion. “I don’t know why we are stilling her hiding behind words. It is obvious to me that you are doing great things with my son too. I know this because you both went to such great lengths tonight to make sure that your wants, needs and greediness would cause this embarrassing situation.”
The moment was silently awkward.
Janeshia’s smile was tense. “Whew! I don’t know what to say. I am so sorry this happened,” her words nervously tumbled out. “I know you are probably wondering why I’m here….I mean in your home at this time of night, but Mrs. Edmond-Perreault this will never happen again,” she said nervously.
Claire Marie held a calm authoritative stare. “Most folks address me as just Mrs. Perreault. Though I do love my maiden name Edmond, there is no need to use it. In fact my friends call me Claire Marie,” she smiled warmly. “Don’t worry my dear. I’m not wondering why you’re here. In fact I’m glad you are here. Did you know my son talks about you a great deal?”
“No….I didn’t know that,” Janeshia shook her head.
Claire Marie laughed softly. “You two should get properly dressed. Walker please show Janeshia to the bathroom down the hall. I’m sure she wants to freshen up.”
“Sure,” he replied.
“Oh and Walker when she is finished, bring her to the great room,” Claire Marie commandingly said. “There’s a gas fireplace there. The room heats up in no time. We can have some tea and talk.”
Then she turned and walked out of the room.
In a knowing instant Janeshia stared back at Walker. She leaned over and whispered. “Walker, my middle name is never ever to be said in a sentence with my first name.”
“Never?” He asked.
“Never!” Janeshia breathed under her breath.
“So does that look mean you’re staying to have tea with my mother?”
“I don’t think I have a choice,” she huffed out.
Two hours later Janeshia discovered that Claire Marie Edmond-Perreault was a sincere person who extended a warm hearted welcome to visitors to her home. She also discovered she was a most enthusiastic conservationist.
Their group had been joined by Mae Frances Marquez. She was Claire Marie’s assistant, but seemed more like an old friend.
The four of them enjoyed a pot of tea.
Janehisa sat next to Walker on the sofa. She cautiously glanced toward him. His attention was elsewhere. He was responding to a text message. She studied his face. The outline of his profile against the room’s soft light entranced her. She loved his chiseled jaw line. She wondered what it would feel like if she ran her finger alongside of it. She licked her lips without realizing it.
Someone giggled. Janeshia’s spine stiffened. It was Mae Frances and she was looking straight at her. Nervously she turned away.
Mae Frances eyes her unflinchingly. She made sure Janeshia caught the hint she was sending as she stared between her and Walker. “So you two were having sex?” she winked. “Don’t be ashamed. Sex was around doing biblical days you know.”
Startled by her directness, Janeshia’s mouth dropped open in indignation. “Excuse me?”
“Janeshia,” she murmured leaning in close. “Young lady we are living in modern times. Don’t you know we’ve all been greatly affected by the sexual liberation movement of the 1960’s? It’s a fact,” she said with great emotion. “And I believe good sex is a must in any relationship. So how did you find Walker after giving him a try?”
“Mae Frances is just joking Janeshia,” Walker leaned over and whispered. “Aren’t you Mae Frances?”
Mae Frances leaned forward and picked up Walker’s cup and saucer. “If you say so Walker?”
“Yes I do say so,” Walker said leaning back.
Mae Frances shrugged as she turned to neatly stack the empty cups and saucers on the cart.
Walker cleared his throat and quickly changed the subject. “By the way Janeshia, didn’t you say you would like the recipe for the N’Awlin’s Spice hot tea? Well Mae Frances could write it down for you. She makes the tea often enough.”
Mae Frances shook her head. “If you want the recipe Janeshia, then ask Walker. He’d give it to you, as well as his heart, the shirt off of his back and probably all of the money in his pocket, in a heartbeat, especially if the two of you are doing the…..Oh what is that new term for having sex?”
“Knocking boots,” Claire Marie added with a sudden amusement.
“I like the term boning,” Mae Frances said shaking her head.
Janeshia was mortified.
Walker laughed nervously and took her hands. “Janeshia just ignore the two of them, please?”
Her eyes held his. Something flashed behind his and it spoke volumes to her. He kissed her hand. It made everything right and she smiled.
A sudden look of amusement flashed on Claire Marie’s face as she watched from across the room. The truth was staring her in the face. She had seen the look Janeshia had given Walker earlier. It was becoming more and more apparent that the girl had feelings for him. Even though she could tell Janeshia spent a great deal of time trying to hide it. She eyed Janeshia with a speculative look and cleared her throat. “Did I hear you say you wanted the recipe for N’Awlin’s Spice tea Janeshia?”
Startled by her name being called, Janeshia answered quickly. “Yes.”
“Well you’re in luck my dear. I believe I can provide you with a copy,” Claire Marie said proudly.
Janeshia blinked back in surprise. “That’s very kind of you.”
Claire Marie walked in closer. “Janeshia, did I mention that when my Walker was a boy I always put Red Hots in his tea? It made it extra sweet and spicy. Walker loves things sweet and spicy,” she hesitated. “Just the way he liked it. You always did like things sweet and spicy didn’t you Walker?”
“Mother,” he scolded softly.
“Oh Walker, I did promise Janeshia her recipe. Would you do me a big favor?” Claire Marie asked without waiting for a response. “Please go and fetch that extra N’Awlin’s recipe book I have in the kitchen on the book shelf, for Janeshia. I think it would make a great gift for her. And it does have the recipe for the N’Awlin’s Spice Hot Tea,”” she said.
“Mother, if you just wanted me to leave the room, you had only to say so,” Walker said.
“Well, if I must be blunt with you Walker, then yes. I would like for you to leave the room. I need to speak to Janeshia in private. Don’t you have to check your messages or text somebody?”
Walker tilted his head and forced a smile. He knew when he wasn’t wanted. “Mother you really do want me out of the room. Okay, I’m leaving for now. But mother, don’t go telling all our family secrets while I’m gone. You and Marie Frances don’t want to frighten Janeshia off now do you?”
Claire Marie and Walker looked at each other
“Don’t worry Walker. Janeshia is in good hands. You go off for a while and keep yourself busy,” she said giving her son a look that dismissed him.
From out of the corner of her eye Janeshia watched as Walker left the room. It quickly dawned on her she wished he didn’t leave so easily. She felt strangely alone. She could sense someone staring. She lifted her gaze and her eyes met Claire Marie’s. Suddenly she felt like Sabrina Fairchild when Linus Larrabee was sent to deal with her.
The clinking of crystal startled Janeshia and broke her gaze.
Mae Frances held her head high as she walked across the room. Her blue white hair looked like a crown framing her face. Her steady petite frame easily lifted and carried over a tray holding a beautiful vintage crystal decanter.
Janeshia’s eyes caught sight of the pinwheel motif on the side of the crystal decanter. It was like nothing she’d ever seen.
Mae Frances put the tray down on the table in front of
her. She filled three glasses with a deep golden brown liquid.
“Would you please have a glass of sweet rum with orange liqueur with us Janeshia?” Claire Marie asked. “It’s an old favorite of mine.”
Janeshia nodded her agreement as Mae Frances handed her a glass.
Claire Marie studied her. Even from where she sat it seemed like an invisible light showed on Janeshia’s face. She was amazed at how much she looked like her mother. She smiled, warmly lost in her thoughts. She thought about that long ago promise made. She left the foundation just to make way for Janeshia. She wondered if she ever knew that. A word flashed in her mind. It rolled off her tongue before she knew it.
Janeshia looked up puzzled. “What was that?”
Claire Marie’s voice rasped out. “Oh, excuse me I was just thinking out loud about something I did once when I was young and beautiful like you. You know I made a promise to someone, after they made me an offer I couldn’t refuse,” she said with a matter of fact waive of her hand. “But I’m getting off the subject. You do know my dear, you are very beautiful, Janeshia.”
“Thank you for the compliment,” Janeshia shrugged. She glanced at Mae Frances. She wondered why she hadn’t engaged in their conversation. She watched and remained silent and kept sipping her drink.
“Are you seeing anyone special my dear?”
Janeshia’s brain clicked, wondering what she was thinking. “You mean dating?”
“Yes,” Claire Marie didn’t wait for an answer. “But first I would like to drink a toast to you Janeshia for all the hard work and dedication that you do for the foundation.”
Janeshia watched as Claire Marie took a sip of her drink. She took a sip too.
Claire Marie smiled at Janeshia and raised her glass a second time. Silently she took another sip.
Anxious to please, Janeshia did the same.
“Now Janeshia I would like to make another toast to your accepting my proposition.”
On impulse Janeshia looked up and hesitated. “Proposition? What proposition?”
Claire Marie fought back a smile. “Ahhhhhh the one you and I shall discuss, tonight.”
Mae Frances finally spoke up. “Well ladies, I guess that’s my clue to refresh our drinks.”
Chapter 16
The Proposition
Claire Marie Edward-Perrault didn’t blink as she gulped down her last of sweet rum. She took a deep breath and put the glass back on the table. “Janeshia, you have the bone structure I want for my future grandchildren.”
“Oh?” Janeshia asked reaching for her glass. Her hand was unsteady.
Claire Marie rose and advanced toward her. “Do you have a boyfriend? Oh no of course you don’t. Or you wouldn’t have been….”
“What?” Frustrated Janeshia threw her an irritated look. She hadn’t expected to be asked this. What did she expect after the way she had just been caught in a compromising situation with her son? She wondered if Claire Marie expected her to turn in her resignation. She tried to be polite. “Ah….I…I…Why are you asking?”
Claire Marie shrugged her shoulders. Her expression softened and looked strangely protective. “I was just asking,” she shrugged. “Only you know your heart my dear, but I’ve found that many young smart women sometimes make foolish choices. Or spend their lives fantasizing about Mister Wonderful while they watch the years go by.”
Janeshia watched Claire Marie’s back as she walked past. Her thoughts raged. Why hadn’t she just resigned the first day Walker showed up out of the blue and started micro-managing her at the office? She knew why, she’d been instantly attracted to him.
“You are very good at your job with the foundation, Janeshia,” Claire Marie said, sitting back in her seat like a regal Queen taking her thrown. “You handle it well, very well. I am grateful to you for your great work,” she hesitated. “Being the director of the foundation has its advantages, wouldn’t you say Janeshia?”
“Yes, of course it does,” Janeshia said.
“I’m sure you enjoy the prestige and recognition it brings. And I believe you love the money you make?”
Janeshia nodded agreement. She quietly studied Claire Marie’s mesmerizing deep green eyes.
Claire Marie’s serious expression was hypnotic. “I consider you a wise woman and what I have to say is for your benefit too,” she took a sip of her drink. “Let me explain. I consider my son Walker to be an honest and generous man,” she said. “But I’ll be honest. He’s the most talkative Geek I ever saw. But,” she said with a paused. “Every Geek needs his Angel. I’m afraid if I don’t step in with a mother’s understanding and a matchmaker’s heart, my son is doomed to lose you forever,” she said tapping a manicured fingernail against her empty glass high.
Mae Frances rose instantly, strolled over and refilled her glass.
Janeshia’s eyes flickered with a cool reserve as Mae Frances stepped closer to refill her drink.
Mae Frances slid a glance at Janeshia. “Good men are hard to find, especially ones with no medical history of heart problems, mental issues, or an STD” she whispered in her ear leaning over to fill her glass.
Mae Frances spoke so softly Janeshia thought she had misunderstood her. Janeshia looked into her eyes. “I beg your pardon.”
“I think you should take Claire Marie’s proposition and marry that Geeky son of hers,” she said staring boldly. “Most girls are looking for a rich husband, aren’t you?”
“That’s not what she said,” Janeshia utter with a puzzled look.
Mae Frances nodded. “Ah Hm. That old lady is matchmaking you up with her son,” she said then turn and walked back to her seat.
At last understanding rose up and greeted Janesha. She stared back at her. Then she looked in the direction of Claire Marie. This was some kind of marriage proposition. “Mrs. Perrault. I mean Claire Marie. I agree with you on the part about Walker being a geek,” she said. “Let me put it bluntly. I can’t imagine what you mean by the matchmaker part. These are modern times. Match making is a thing of the past.”
“Sometimes a mother has things she must do,” Claire Marie lifted her chin in an imperial gesture. “I would again like to say my son is a fine man, a very fine man. Such a man would make a woman a good husband, a very good husband.”
All three of them took a sip their drinks.
Mae Frances cleared her throat. “I’ll say it again. Good men are hard to find, especially ones with no history of an STD,” she chuckled lightly.
All at once Janeshia tossed back her head and laugh out. “You can’t be for real!”
Claire Marie’s eyes widen in surprise. “This proposition I make to you right now is real because I have a mother’s understanding. And I can tell by your eyes you don’t find my son revolting. In fact I believe that there is something there or you wouldn’t have been sleeping with him.”
Janeshia could feel the blood drawing from her face. Her throat felt uncomfortably tight. She wondered what kind of game she was playing. The sooner this was over the sooner she could get out of there. She cleared her throat determined to set the record straight. She was just fine being single.
“I’m sorry but I just can’t take any of this seriously. You see what would be the benefit for me. I have a great job that I love….I...I make an excellent salary……”
Claire Marie interrupted. “My proposition is for your benefit too. I believe you love your position as director of the foundation. And well my proposition would allow you to keep your position as director of the foundation for as long as you like.”
Janeshia was taken by surprise. “Are you talking about my keeping my job?” The reality of what Claire Marie was saying was starting to set in. “Let me understand. You are making me a proposition about keeping my position as director of the foundation? Were you considering firing me?”
Mae Frances stared shrewdly at her. “Janeshia, I do have to say it again, good men are hard to find, especially ones with no history
of an STD. And their mother has lots and lots of money,” she took a sip of her drink.
Frustrated Janeshia stared between the two women. She thought of leaving the room. But remembered she barely remembered how to get back to the front of the house. Then she didn’t have her car. She slowly relaxed and wished their conversation would end.
Mae Frances came to her defense. “But you know Claire Marie I have to agree with Janeshia,” Mae Frances said. “She made a good point. You should make it clear if you are considering firing Janeshia if she doesn’t accept your proposition.”
Claire Marie’s eyes flashed. Her mouth opened and then closed.
“Let me just say this,” Mae Frances barreled on. “If I were in Janeshia place, sitting at this time of night, with a strange looking old woman laying out a proposition of marriage on me? I would be afraid to say yes too,” she said unflinchingly. “Of course Janeshia wants to know if she would be fired. Wouldn’t you?”
Claire Marie’s face turned pale. “For goodness sake, I never said anything of the kind. What I meant was that life is not like some pages in a romance book,” she said. “No one can live happily ever-after without some compromise.”
Mae Frances nodded. “Okay, I get it. You’re talking about a proposition as a compromise.”
Janeshia was silent.
Claire Marie’s expression was polite but stern. Her eyes sharpened. “Yes, we could come to a compromise. I do love my son.” She shrugged. “And you know I’ve carefully considered Janeshia’s strengths and ah….wants too,” she faintly said.
“Thank you, I think that was a compliment. Or the rum is starting to numb my rage,” Janeshia condescendingly said.
“Yes, you bring much to the table, my child,” she said excitedly. “You have excellent bone structure, that I know will be passed down to any children you have. Your lovely parents hale from Louisiana and are fine and upstanding and any man would be lucky to be their son in law. And well, I love my son. But I know I said that before. And together we can both have what we want,” she hesitated and then reached for her glass of sweet rum.